Wednesday, February 9, 2011

appreciate our kidney

Semalam adikku bertanya spontan

”kak....apa maksudnya bila orang pergi cuci buah pinggang?”

”mana ada cuci buah pinggang....cuci darahlah....”

”macam mana dorang cuci darah....kenapa kena cuci darah?”

”sebab ginjal dah rosak...tugas ginjal ialah mencuci darah....darah dialirkan masuk ke ginjal melalui renal arteri...bahan kumuh dalam darah akan diasingkan oleh nefron yang terdapat dalam ginjal melalui 3 peringkat.

  • Ultrafiltration (tapisan),
  • reabsorption (penyerapan semula)
  • secretion(perembesan).
Ada berjuta2 nefron dalam ginjal yang bertugas 24jam tau….. sebab tu kalau ginjal rosak, bahagian yang bekerja 24jam tu dah takde. Susahlah kita….sebab tu kita kena tau fungsi dalam badan supaya kita akan lebih menghargainya dan menjadi hamba Allah yang akan sentiasa bersyukur.

Proses2 yang terlibat di ginjal................

The ultrafiltration process
P1 - Blood is under relatively high pressure when it reaches the nephron.
P2 The high blood pressure in the glomerulus, forces fluid to filter through the filtration membrane into the lumen of Bowman’s capsule
P3 - forming glomerular filtrate;
P4 - contains water, glucose, amino acids, urea, mineral salts and other small molecules

The reabsorption process
P5 - The glomerular filtrate will flow into proximal convoluted tubule
P6- selective reabsorption occurs; all the glucose, amino acids, vitamins and many inorganic ions are reabsorbed back into the blood
P7- by active and passive transport
P8- forming a relatively high solute concentration in the peritubular capillaries
P9 - thus a large volume of water is reabsorbed into the blood by osmosis and
P10- increase the concentration of urea in the convoluted Tubule
P11- glomerular filtrate then flow into loop of henle and distal convoluted tubule
P12- more water and minerals being reabsorbed back into the blood

The secretion process
P13 -takes place in the distal convoluted tubule
P14 -urea/toxins/certain drugs / hydrogen ions/potassium ions/ammonia being secreted by passive diffusion and active transport from the blood capillary into the distal convoluted tubule
P15- the filtrate reaches the collecting duct ; nowcalled urine
P16 -flows down the ureter, the bladder and the urethra and is finally excreted

Nak terang sambil cakap2 je susah gak. Tengok video tau la.....

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